Mandalas as Portals to the Akashic Records | Akashic Records

Get ready for an enlightening episode of our podcast as we welcome the incredible Roni Reisler. Roni is a gifted Akashic Record consultant and a talented creator of mandalas. Her unique blend of spiritual insight and artistic expression has touched the lives of many, and today she shares her fascinating journey with us. 🎨✨

We dive deep into our shared connection through the Akashic Records, a spiritual archive believed to hold the energetic imprints of all souls. Through our candid conversation, we reveal how this practice has profoundly enriched our lives and why it serves as a powerful tool for personal growth and healing.

Roni's journey to becoming an Akashic Record consultant began with a serendipitous encounter involving her brother-in-law's back pain and a fateful seminar. This pivotal moment led her to Mary Parker, a renowned teacher of the sacred prayer method, and ultimately to her own mastery of this spiritual practice.

But Roni’s story doesn’t end there. She unveils her extraordinary gift for creating mandalas—intricate artworks that serve as visual representations of sound and light. These mandalas are not merely beautiful pieces of art; they are powerful tools for meditation, healing, and self-discovery. Ronnie explains how each mandala is carefully crafted, often inspired by the Akashic Records, to reflect the unique essence and energy of the individual for whom it is created.

Throughout our conversation, we emphasize the importance of acknowledging our diverse intuitive gifts and the unique ways each of us connects with the spiritual realm. We dispel the notion that there's a 'right' way to access these gifts, encouraging you to honor your own path. By tuning in, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to harness the power of your own intuitive abilities, creating a more connected and fulfilling life.

Roni also shares her experiences of teaching others to open their Akashic Records and the profound difference it makes in their creative processes. She illustrates how tapping into this spiritual energy can transform artistic expression and deepen personal insight. You'll discover practical insights and guidance that can inspire your own spiritual and creative journeys.

This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone interested in exploring the Akashic Records, understanding the power of mandalas, or simply seeking inspiration for their spiritual and creative journeys. Ronnie’s compassionate insights and my thoughtful questions create a serene and supportive space for you to reflect on your own path to self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Tune in to learn more about Roni's incredible work and how engaging with the Akashic Records and mandalas can bring clarity, beauty, and deeper connection into your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your understanding and enrich your spiritual practice.

Discover the magic of the Akashic Records and the art of mandalas with our wonderful guest, Roni Reisler.

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From Executive to Mystic: An Incredible Spiritual Awakening | Akashic Records Podcast

Ready for a mind-bending spiritual adventure? 🌟 In this episode of our podcast, we sit down with Mary Reed, a mystic wisdom guide and author whose extraordinary spiritual experiences will leave you in awe.

Imagine starting as an agnostic healthcare executive and suddenly being thrust into a world of metaphysical marvels. That’s exactly what happened to Mary when she started hearing an insistent voice in 2000, telling her she had a crucial mission. This voice led her to a series of out-of-this-world experiences, including embodying Jesus during his crucifixion and gaining profound insights into humanity's evolution. Despite seeking answers from numerous professionals, Mary continued to be enveloped by these metaphysical events.

Her relentless experiences led to personal turmoil, culminating in a suicide attempt in 2003. Surviving this, Mary surrendered control of her life to a higher power, sparking a series of miraculous changes. Guided to India, she met a high Tibetan Lama and stayed in a Buddhist nunnery, where she finally integrated her experiences and gained a deeper understanding of her spiritual path. Mary's time in the nunnery was nothing short of transformative. She connected with the minds of the Dalai Lamas and Buddha, leading to profound spiritual insights and a supportive environment to explore her mystical journeys.

Mary discusses the importance of integrating spirituality into everyday life, emphasizing self-awareness and quieting the mind to move from constant doing to simply being. She highlights the challenges of living in an achievement-driven society and the necessity of finding support during spiritual awakening. Balancing spiritual practices with daily responsibilities can lead to a more fulfilling and integrated life, and Mary encourages using spiritual tools to enhance daily experiences without drastic lifestyle changes.

She stresses the importance of community on the spiritual path, reflecting on her invaluable experiences in the women's nunnery. While not everyone can live in a nunnery, finding like-minded individuals for support is crucial. Mary also mentions her latest book, "Navigating the Wondrous Holy Shitshow of Awakening," aimed at guiding individuals through their spiritual awakenings.

In an astonishing revelation, Mary shares her experience of channeling a whole stadium of beings, providing unprecedented insights into the spiritual realm. And if you’re curious about the future, stay tuned until the end, where Mary reveals her vision for the world and humanity’s collective path.

Don’t miss this captivating episode that promises to enlighten and inspire. 🌌 Tune in now and join us on this remarkable spiritual voyage.


For more information and to connect with Mary Reed 👉

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From Mental Health Crisis to Shamanic Master | Akashic Records Podcast

Join Lisa in an enlightening conversation with Spirit Bird, a renowned shamanic teacher, plant medicine guide, and best-selling author, as they explore the profound depths of spirituality and self-discovery. 🌟

This episode dives into Spirit Bird’s extraordinary spiritual path, beginning with her teenage transformation through meditation and Eastern philosophy, and her early connection to nature and spiritual gifts like prophetic dreams and sensing emotions. Spirit Bird shares how these experiences, coupled with a mental health crisis in high school, propelled her deeper into the realms of consciousness and spirituality.

Discover the fascinating origin of the name "Spirit Bird," a revelation that came during a training session, and how it felt like a homecoming. She recounts the challenges of integrating this new identity and overcoming the fear of judgment, emphasizing the importance of standing in one’s truth despite societal pressures. The conversation touches on the balance between spirituality and daily life, revealing how integrating spiritual practices into everyday activities can enhance relationships, business, and overall well-being.

Spirit Bird also discusses the significance of utilizing spiritual gifts and seeking help when needed. She talks about training healers and the impact of recognizing and using one’s unique abilities, stressing that a spiritual calling doesn’t always have to be a career.

Don’t miss this captivating episode filled with profound insights and practical advice for those on a spiritual path. ✨Tune in to learn how to balance personal spirituality with external responsibilities, overcome fear and judgment, and fully realize your spiritual potential.

For more information and to connect with Spirit Bird, visit Houlton Healing Arts 👉

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Healing Beyond the Material World with Reiki | Akashic Records Podcast

Are you ready to transform your life with the powerful practices of Reiki and the Akashic Records? Join us for an enlightening conversation as Wendy Wahl, a Reiki Akashic Records Consultant, shares her transformative journey with Lisa.

Wendy's spiritual path began unexpectedly in the business and banking world. Despite early career success, life handed her significant challenges, including sexual trauma and drug abuse. These hardships ignited a deep inner call for healing that transcended the material world.

A pivotal moment came during an encounter in Arizona, symbolized by a bird that sparked her spiritual awakening. This profound experience set her on a path to South Carolina, where she met Big Raven Medicine Woman. Here, Wendy was introduced to the life-changing practices of Reiki and the Akashic Records, marking the beginning of her healing journey.

Wendy emphasizes the importance of listening to our inner voices and following spiritual signs, even when the way forward seems unclear. Her training in the Akashic Records has taught her to be mindful of her mind, body, spirit, and emotions, using tools such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises to maintain balance and avoid re-traumatization.

Navigating higher vibrational frequencies brought its own set of challenges, often causing confusion and emotional upheaval. Wendy shares how letting go of old belief systems and embracing new energy facilitated her growth, guided by the wisdom of the Akashic Records.

Self-reflection became a cornerstone of Wendy's journey. She discusses the layered nature of personal growth and the importance of addressing each layer over time. A recent trip to California brought past traumas to the surface, highlighting the need for self-awareness and the role of the Akashic Records in guiding her through these challenging moments.

Throughout her path, Wendy underscores the necessity of having a supportive network. She stresses seeking genuine, supportive individuals who hold space for your journey without imposing their beliefs. Trust, reflection, and processing information are crucial for personal growth.

Wendy also explores the concept of shadow selves, aspects of our personality shaped by past traumas. Her experience of being kidnapped at five years old created a shadow self that surfaced in threatening situations. Through therapy and healing practices, Wendy learned to integrate these shadow aspects, underscoring the importance of acknowledging and working with them for holistic personal growth.

Join us to hear Wendy’s incredible story of transformation, blending personal anecdotes, spiritual practices, and deep insights, all aimed at supporting and guiding you on your own journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

🕊️ Don’t miss this episode—unlock the secrets to profound healing and spiritual enlightenment!You can contact Wendy at or visit her website at

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Discover the Power of Bodywork for Emotional Release | Akashic Records Podcast

Join us in this enlightening episode as I engage in a heartfelt conversation with Ellen Stetson, a profound spiritual healer, massage therapist, and end-of-life doula. Ellen shares her deeply personal spiritual journey and the experiences that have shaped her mission to be a conduit of light in the world.

Ellen opens up about her background and how she discovered her calling in spirituality. She reflects on her impactful work as a massage therapist and the incredible value of bodywork in healing trauma and emotions. Ellen explains that emotions are thoughts attached to feelings, which can often become stuck in the body, and highlights the powerful roles of massage therapy, reflexology, and acupuncture in releasing these trapped emotions.

The episode also dives into Ellen’s inspiring involvement with the Standing Rock Water Protection Theater, emphasizing the importance of finding one's purpose and standing firm in one's light. She shares stories of resilience and the empowering strength of community support in the face of adversity.

Tune in for Ellen’s parting wisdom as she encourages listeners to ask themselves what their purpose is and to stand confidently in their light. This episode promises to leave you with a sense of peace, purpose, and a deeper understanding of the healing power of touch 🌿.

Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring conversations that support your spiritual journey. ✨

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From Chaos to Clarity: Tom McKeown's Spiritual Awakening | Akashic Records Podcast #2

Join us as we sit down with Tom McKeown, who shares his deeply moving and enlightening spiritual story. Tom takes us through his challenging childhood marked by trauma and abuse, his escape into the Navy, and the subsequent years of harmful behaviors and substance dependency. His first encounter with methamphetamine offered a fleeting sense of confidence, but it also led to a years-long battle with addiction.In a pivotal moment, Tom returned home to Oklahoma, beginning his recovery from drug addiction.

Despite this progress, he continued to struggle with chaotic patterns of behavior, finding it challenging to break free from the addiction to chaos itself. Tom discusses how peaceful moments often felt uncomfortable and shares his spiritual awakening that began with a simple realization during meditation.

Tom’s path to peace involved personalized spiritual practices, including meditation, sweat lodges, and firewalks. He discovered that meditation does not need to be forced or structured. Even moments like sitting on a porch swing and observing nature can be meditative. A significant turning point for Tom was when he received a drum that became central to his spiritual practice.

Throughout his recovery, Tom was guided by spiritual mentors who encouraged him to honor whatever felt right. His mentor, Steve, played a crucial role in helping him find various spiritual practices that enriched his life.

In this episode, Tom emphasizes the importance of personalizing one’s spiritual journey and advises against rigid adherence to prescribed methods or belief systems. We discuss the common struggle of discerning between one's mind and spiritual guidance.Tom’s story is one of overcoming trauma, addiction, and chaos through a personalized spiritual journey that embraces individuality, mindfulness, and continual growth. Tune in to learn how Tom’s experiences and insights can inspire and guide you on your own path to a serene and fulfilling life.

Subscribe to our channel for more profound stories and insightful discussions that support your spiritual journey. 🌿

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Open the Akashic Records: The Significance of Prayer | Akashic Records Podcast #1

In this enlightening episode, we are joined by the remarkable Rose Marie Swanson, an Akashic Records consultant with nearly 40 years of experience. Rosemarie first encountered the Akashic Records during a healing workshop and hypnotherapy sessions and has since dedicated her life to channeling this divine knowledge. Alongside her expertise in hypnotherapy, spiritual counseling, and quantum realm work, Rosemarie brings a wealth of wisdom to our discussion.

Together with Lisa, Rose Marie dives deep into their unique connection and the sacred process of opening the Akashic Records through a powerful prayer. This universal Akashic prayer is not just words—every syllable holds a frequency, and its vibrational rhythm anchors into the heart, unlocking the gateway to the Akashic field. The energy experienced during this profound shift is one of pure, unconditional love, enveloping and transforming every part of one's being 💖.

Rose Marie emphasizes the significance of love and the thoughtful way people inquire about it. Both she and Lisa cherish the deep connection they create, enabling them to access the highest frequencies of the Akashic Records, filled with purity and love. They explore how the sacred pathway prayer enhances the spiritual transformation journey and heart-centered energy work, diving into high frequencies that facilitate deep spiritual healing and divine knowledge.

Contact Rose Marie Swanson at

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Ancient Beings From the Akashic Records Channeled! Future of Mankind Revealed | Lisa Wetsel

Lisa Wetsel, a dedicated explorer of the mystical realms and a beacon of spiritual guidance. Lisa's transformative journey into the Akashic Records commenced in 1996, fueled by a compassionate heart and a desire to help others. Initially drawn to the healing art of massage therapy, her path unfolded into a profound exploration of the metaphysical.

As her passion for teaching and learning blossomed, Lisa delved into the profound realms of the Akashic Records, uncovering a unique ability to channel direct insights from the Masters. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a lifelong commitment to spiritual growth and sharing profound wisdom with others.

Today, Lisa stands as an accomplished Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, holding the prestigious title of a Level IV certified Akashic Records Consultant. With over two decades of experience, she has been a trusted channel for the timeless truths embedded in the Records. Lisa's unwavering intention throughout her journey has remained constant: to live authentically from the heart, uphold the highest standards of integrity, and embody the eternal pursuit of truth.

In her role as a spiritual guide, Lisa Wetsel continues to illuminate the path for those seeking spiritual enlightenment, offering a profound connection to the Akashic Records and empowering individuals on their own transformative journeys. With a heart-centered approach and a commitment to truth, Lisa remains a beacon of inspiration for those navigating the depths of spiritual awakening .

Please enjoy my conversation with Lisa Wetsel - Alex Ferrari, Next Level Soul - Podcast

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Lisa Wetsel

I'm Lisa Wetsel. I am an Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, and I channel information from the Akashic Records. I would like to introduce myself.

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